There’s a running joke on the internet that the actor Sean Bean’s characters die more often than not. So much so it’s spawned countless memes, campaigns and even a compilation video.
So I set out to see if this was true or not. After doing a bit of digging I found this post, that qualitatively recorded the films and TV shows Sean Bean and others actors characters had died in. I went about turning this into quantitative data, so I could analyse and visualise the data.
“Sean Bean’s movie characters Only have a 55% chance of surviving”
Below is the result, where you can clearly see Sean Bean’s movie characters have a 55% chance of surviving. You might as well toss a coin.
Compare his survival chances against other actors and actresses. There are some surprising insights to be had, which you can see at the bottom of this article, past the data visualization.
Most on screen deaths – John Hurt
This goes to John Hurt with 43 character deaths (out of 146). He’s had a longer time to act and rack up character deaths across his career. Closely followed by Christopher Lee (42) and Vincent Price (34) who played more evil characters and got their comeuppance more often that not.
Highest survival % – James Franco
James Franco has the highest survival rate of all the actors in the calculator at 95%. Everyone loves this guy and that extends to script writers apparently. In the movies he does die in, this scene always brings a tear to my eye…
Most movies acted in – Danny Trejo
With countless smaller parts to his name, Danny Trejo has racked up an impressive 230 movie roles to date! Most of them involve being a bad-ass, so his survival rate is pretty good at 87%
Other low survival rate actors – Al Leong
Being a popular stunt man in the 1980s and 1990s can help you easily rack up a lot of on screen deaths. You probably didn’t know Al Leong’s name but knew his face from famous movies such as Die Hard, Last Action Hero and Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure.
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