Welcome to the first Data Studio Community Livestream – you’ll see 4 speakers covering a wide variety of topics, which should help any and all users of Google Data Studio and even those who are still curious about what it can do.
We had me, David Murphy, show off the Data Studio feature tracker dashboard built withing Data Studio, Lee Hurst on Google’s secret connector, Rick Elliot showing both GA 1-click Dashboards and the Data Studio roadmap and Ralph Spandl showing his Custom Visualizations within the tool.
Here is the link to Slides we covered in the livestream.
A big thanks to the audience in chat asking questions and helping each other. Also thank you for the feedback – this was our first livestream and there was a lot of good comments on how we can tweak and improve things e.g. bigger screen share area, a better way to handle deep technical questions/demo requests and ensure the guests have time to share their knowledge fully.
I’m planning on doing another soon, so be sure to follow Datasaurus-Rex online to keep up to date when the next livestream is coming!