Fireworks injury

4th July Firework injuries

I came across this neat Tableau Public visualisation the other day, showing some interesting statistics around firework related injuries in the US. Sadly, but not surprisingly, it seems over a quarter of them happen on the 4th July.
Around three quarters of the victims are men, but when you see videos like this it’s hardly surprising:

It also seems to be that the number of incidents decline as people get older – but it’s hard to say if people are getting wiser in their years or if all the idiots aren’t living to those older ages as they’ve blown themselves up before then.
So to all my American readers, be careful and watch your hands, necks and heads around fireworks as they seem to be the most likely to get hit! Play around with the interactive dashboard below to see what other interesting titbits you can unearth:

Source – Ray Yuen


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