SG TUG Makeover Monday edition

This week I had the pleasure of running a special version of the Singapore Tableau User Group with Sarah Burnett. In this session we invited our members to participate in a Makeover Mondayday activity, where they all had the same data set, 60 minutes to create Tableau Public dashboards and then share with the rest of the group.

For a more detailed description of what Makeover Monday is, check out my post and video describing it. This was a small version of the social data project that Andy Kriebel and Eva Murray run over at, which I highly recommend you get involved with.

Sarah and I were blown away by the energy, enthusiasm and creativity as we walked around the room seeing and supporting what each team was creating during those 60 minutes (one of the goals of Makeover Monday is to get into a good habit of not spending too much time creating a data viz – we want you to have fun, and a life). It was also great to see a lot of knowledge sharing going on, with people helping each other out if they got stuck or needed to bounce an idea around.

Unfortunately we didn’t get time to review all of the dashboards, so Sarah and I are going to record us going through all of the submissions and upload it to YouTube soon, so watch this space! They’re all amazing so subscribe to the YouTube channel to get notified when it’s live.

If you need more reasons to get involved with Tableau Public, check out this post where I describe the many benefits to your career from doing so.

As promised to those who attended, here are some useful resources to carry on your Tableau Public/Makeover Monday journey:

We’ll be running more of these in the future so stay in touch and we hope to see you at the next event!


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