Makeover Monday – Week 51 2017

For the week 51 2017 Makeover Monday challenge, there was a Singapore focus. With me being one of the leaders of the Singapore Tableau User Groups, I couldn’t resist the challenge to represent our country :)

The original data visualisation was flash based and (ironically) not very accessible. So my focus for reinventing this data viz was to empower users to explore and drill down into this data, to find the buildings they care about and want more info on*.

Whilst exploring the data set, I also realised there was very little education on what each of the Accessibility Friendliness scores meant – so I dedicated some space along with some meaty tooltips to help people what the 1-5 scoring system meant. As the lowest score, 1, doesn’t mean the building is inaccessible. It just means it’s extremely basic.

Mobile Friendly
When building a data viz with an accessibility theme, we can’t overlook the need to make a mobile friendly version, as people might need this information on the go. So I’ve utilised Tableau’s built in Device Layout functionality to make sure the most important parts are clearly seen on a mobile device.

Future Enhancements
If I had more time to work on this data viz, I would also implement the following extra features to make it shine even more:

  1. Build in a Collapsing Menu Container, to move the filters off screen and from view when they are not needed, but also make them bigger and add more options. In their current “permanently on screen” state, I was hesitant to add more to the filter area as it would take up too much prime realestate of the viz
  2. Build a “Reset Filters” button, to help the user experience when they want to go back to the beginning state of the viz for further exploration

So there you have it. What do you think of my Makeover Monday viz, and what did you come up with? Let me know in the comments below!

*I’m sure there are load of insights to be found within this data too, so I am keen to see what others find and visualise with their creations – one of the many benefits to getting involved with Makeover Monday.


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